Dr. Wayne Macfadden is a former attending psychiatrist with Princeton Healthcare Medical Center. He has published widely on topics related to the understanding and treatment of bipolar disorder. Dr. Wayne Macfadden is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, the International Society of Clinical Drug Development, and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).

The ISBD holds its annual conference in mid-June, but it moves to a new location in 2013. The conference is scheduled to take place in Miami Beach, Florida, and its organizers hope to provide numerous sessions on topics related to bipolar disorder. Among those are talks designed to address how the disorder is understood and treated across cultures, discussions on the relationship between the circadian rhythm and inflammation, and lectures on psychosocial approaches to treatment. 

The ISBD was founded to create a space and a network where clinical research and information gleaned from case studies could be exchanged to disseminate the latest advances and to improve the quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. In addition to the conference, the society maintains a peer-reviewed journal, Bipolar Disorders, to further these ends.

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